While the Library makes every effort to ensure the material it provides does not infringe copyright, it is possible that it may inadvertently make available material which infringes copyright, contains personal or sensitive data, or includes content that may be regarded as factually incorrect, offensive, indecent, or defamatory and so the Library operates a takedown procedure which allows you to request the removal of its online material.
All requests must contain the following information -
- Your contact details.
- Details of the material you would like to see taken down.
- The webpage address where you found the material.
- Details of the reasons for your request –
- If you consider that the material is defamatory, please explain why you consider it to be defamatory and what meaning you attribute to the material you would like taken down.
- If you consider the material is factually incorrect or constitutes opinions not supported by fact.
- If you consider it to be offensive, please explain why you consider the material unacceptable and a justification for your request.
- If you consider a breach of copyright has occurred, please explain details of the alleged breach and indicate whether you are the rights owner or are authorised to act for them.
- If copyright has been transferred from one rightsholder to another you may be asked to provide evidence.
Submitting Your Request
All requests should be emailed to under the subject title of Takedown Request.
Handling Your Request
On receipt of your request the Library will -
- Acknowledge receipt of your request by email within five working days.
- Investigate the grounds of your request - you may be contacted as part of the investigation for further information and evidence. We may seek independent legal advice depending on the nature of the request.
- Make a decision within five working days after acknowledgement - if this can’t be done you will advised of the reasons why and given a revised timescale.
You will be notified of the Library’s decision -
- If the Library believes your request for takedown is valid and it can remove the materials itself, the material will be removed.
- If the Library believes your request for takedown is valid and it can’t remove the materials, it will refer your request on to the content provider.
- If the University does not believe that your request is valid, no further action will be taken and the materials will remain.
If your request is rejected then you may appeal to the Head of Resources, Discovery & Liaison outlining the reasons for your appeal. Details should be send to under the subject title of Takedown Request Appeal.
The Library will review this Notice every year and any significant changes will be considered and approved by the Director of Student Services.
January 2024
Review: January 2025