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Borrowing: Home

Borrowing, Renewals and Accounts

Loans of books, DVDs and other library resources held in the campus libraries are free for UCA students and staff.

The maximum number of items you can take out at any one time -

Undergraduates 20
Postgraduates and Staff 30
Alumni and Visitors 6

You can borrow most -

  • books
  • DVDs
  • books provided through the Document Supply service

The following cannot be borrowed but referenced only in the library - 

  • books marked as 'Reference'
  • journals
  • archives and special collections

There are two loan types -

  • 3-week
  • 7-day (these tend to be in higher demand than 3-week items)

Special loan periods apply for Document Supply items because these come from external libraries with their own loan types.

  1. Use LibrarySearch to search for library items on your chosen topic. See Finding and Accessing Collections for more information about using LibrarySearch.
  2. When you see an item you wish to borrow take a note of its shelfmark, which tells you where the item is located on the shelves (e.g. 302.23 SHA). Ensure that the item is shown as ‘On Shelf’ at your campus.
  3. Locate the item on the library shelves using its shelfmark number.  Ask a member of the Gateway team if you need assistance with this.
  4. Take the item to one of the Library Self-Service Kiosks.
  5. Press ‘Borrow’ on the screen and then scan the barcode on your University ID card.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  7. The kiosk will tell you when the item is due back and will also email you a receipt with these details.

Click & Collect allows you to select up to 10 items from across the campus libraries, you'll receive a notification when they are ready for collection. For more information see - Requesting Resources.

The self-service kiosks allow you to -

  • issue items
  • return items
  • view your library account.

With your Library Account you will be able to -

  • see what items you have on loan
  • renew items
  • pay any fees due - such as document supply fines or costs of lost items
  • request items via Click & Collect and Document Supply
  • view what items you've borrowed in the past.

Login to your Library Account using your usual UCA username and password.

Click & Collect allows you to request up to 10 items including those out on loan. Once your request is received the item will be recalled from the borrower when it is due to be returned or renewed.

See Requesting Resources for more information.

If you want to borrow a UCA library item that is already on loan to someone else or is at another campus then you can Click & Collect on the item. This will prevent the current borrower's loan from being renewed. Once the item is returned you will receive an email to confirm it is ready for you to collect from your campus library Gateway Desk.

  1. Go to LibrarySearch
  2. Search for and locate the item you wish to borrow
  3. Click through to the item details and click on the Click & Collect button on the right
  4. On the next screen, click on the blue Click & Collect button
  5. Log in to your Library Account using your usual UCA username and password.
  6. Click 'Click & Collect'

You can request up to 10 Click & Collect requests subject to your usual borrowing limits.

See Requesting Resources for more information.

A renewal is an extension of a library loan that extends the loan by the same amount of time as the original loan was for. For example, a 3 week loan will be renewed for a further 3 weeks from the date of the renewal.

University 7-day and 3-week loans will be extended automatically up to 8 times unless recalled by another borrower.

Most library loans will be renewed automatically at the end of the initial 3 week or 7 day loan period, unless another library user has placed a hold on the item (see the Click & Collect tab above). You will automatically be sent a email when your loan(s) auto-renew.

If one of your loans cannot be automatically renewed then you will sent an email message informing you of this. If you do not return the item by the due date indicated then your library account will be blocked and you will be unable to borrow any new items until the late item is returned.

Special renewal arrangements apply for Document Supply loans because these are owned by external libraries. You must contact your campus Gateway in advance of the due date if you wish to renew a Document Supply loan.

All library items need to returned on the due date indicated. You will receive a reminder by email when your item is due be returned.

If you have library loan item that has not been automatically renewed then you must return it by the due date indicated. This will usually be because another library user has placed a hold on the item and is waiting for it. If you do not return the item on time then your library borrowing account will be blocked and you will be unable to borrow any new items until you return the late item.

If you have a Document Supply loan book that has not been renewed then you must also return it by the due date indicated. If you return a Document Supply book late then you will be charged a late return fine of £0.50 for each day after the due date.

If you lose a library item which has been loaned to you then you will be charged the replacement price of the item plus a £5.00 administration charge.