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Borrowing Policy: Home

Borrowing Policy

The Library provides a service enabling eligible borrowers to borrow physical items from the campus libraries for use outside the library spaces.  This policy outlines the key principles of this service. 

Eligibility and borrowing limits
The service is available to the following borrowing groups -

Borrower group eligible for borrowing Maximum number of items that can be borrowed simultaneously
UCA Undergraduate Students 20
UCA Postgraduate Students 30
UCA Academic and Professional Staff 30
UCA Visiting Scholars 30
External Artists-in-residence* 6
UCA Alumni (if registered as a borrowing member)* 6
SCONUL Access scheme members from other universities in SCONUL Bands A, B and C* 6
Members of the public (if registered as a borrowing member)* 6
Local school art teachers, careers advisors and librarians* 6
Canterbury Circle of Libraries scheme members* 2

*external borrower groups may only borrow Three Week Loan books.
Partner students and staff are not eligible for the borrowing service. 

UCA students and staff are automatically registered for the borrowing service when they commence study or employment. 

Those in other eligible groups must register in-person at a UCA campus library to use the service. 

All borrowers are assigned a home campus for borrowing purposes based on their enrolment, employment or registration location. 

Expiry of borrowing
Borrowing access and eligibility for University students and staff automatically expires at the point of graduation (for students) or end of employment (for staff). 

Alumni borrowing access expires three years after graduation unless renewed at a UCA campus library. 

All other external borrowing access expires 12 months after registration unless renewed at a UCA campus library. 

Personal identification when using the service
University students and staff must present their University ID card to borrow items.  
External borrowers must present their UCA library card to borrow items.

Charges for using the service
The borrowing service is provided free of charge to eligible borrowers except for the following borrower groups -

  • UCA alumni who graduated more than three years ago
  • Members of the public

These borrowers may register for annual library borrowing access in exchange for a fee (see website for current fees).  Access must be renewed annually. 

Types of resource available for borrowing
Most physical items in the University libraries can be borrowed by eligible borrowers, except -

  • Items marked as ‘Reference’
  • Print journals and magazines
  • Archives & Special Collections, including books, artists books and zines.

Additionally the following resources cannot be borrowed by external borrowers - 

  • 7 Day Loans and DVDs

Loan periods and renewals
During term-time the minimum loan period for library items is either three weeks (for items with no loan type label) or seven days (for items marked as 7 Day Loan).  During vacation periods, all loans will automatically be extended until the start of the next term. The due date will be provided to the borrower in an email receipt when each item is borrowed.

Except for Document Supply items or in cases where the item has a hold from another library borrower, loans are automatically renewed shortly before the due date, up to a maximum of 8 times.

Click & Collect
Borrowers may place holds on library items from their home campus library using Click & Collect.  If the item has been borrowed by another user this prevents the current loan for the item automatically renewing and the item must be returned by the current due date.  Upon return the item will be reserved for the borrower for up to one week before being returned to general use. 

In the event of multiple holds for the same item, a virtual hold queue will be created and the item will be made available for loan to the borrower in the order the holds were placed. No automatic renewals will be applied while there are holds remaining in the queue.

Borrowing items from other UCA campus libraries
Borrowers may borrow Three Week and 7 Day loan items, and DVDs from UCA campus libraries other than their home campus by placing a hold, using Click & Collect.  The item will be moved to the borrowers home campus library and reserved for up to one week. 

Penalties for late return of items or lost items 
Failure to return a loaned item with a hold by the due date will result in the borrower’s library borrowing account being blocked for new loans until the item is returned. 

Late return fines are charged daily on Document Supply items if the item is not returned (or a renewal confirmed) by the due date. 

Borrowers who lose borrowed library items will be charged the current replacement cost of the item plus an administration charge.  Items which have not been returned at the time the borrower’s borrowing access expires will be treated as lost. 

Disputes and account issues
All issues relating to library borrowing accounts should be raised with the Gateway service point at the borrower’s home campus. 

The Library will review this Policy every year and any significant changes will be considered and approved by the Director of Student Services.


January 2024
Review: January 2025