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myReadingList for Course Teams: Home

myReadingList for Course Teams

​myReadingList allows academic staff to create a dynamic reading list for their students, directly linking them to online references and resources. myReadingList is easy to use, easy to access and will improve the visibility of reading lists in myUCA.

Lists created in myReadingList will be automatically checked by the Library to inform purchasing, provide a responsive service and ensure the right quantities of stock are available for students.

Benefits for course teams

  • A simple and easy way to create your reading lists.
  • Able to link to any type of resource.
  • Clear and intuitive interface to keep reading lists current and accurate.
  • Scanned extracts can be requested through the library’s digitisation service.
  • Analytics allow you to track engagement with the lists you create.

Benefits for students

  • Students can access reading material directly.
  • Essential and Recommended readings are clearly identified.
  • Students can prioritise readings within the software.
  • Reading lists are more accessible from myUCA.
  • The right quantities of publications will be purchased and made available.

Library support for you

  • Liaison Librarians will support staff in the creation and management of your reading list.
  • Library staff will review and check your list to ensure availability.
  • Library staff will digitise 10% or 1 chapter/2 articles per publication as required.
  • Training and guidance offered.

A Liaison Librarian will send you an invite via email to become a List Publisher in myReadingList. The invite will look as follows -

Once you have clicked on the invitation link you will be prompted to log in with your usual UCA username and password. 

UCA Splash Screen

Once you have logged in your details will automatically appear in a profile page, select how you would describe yourself, your privacy settings and click save.

The next step is to install the Bookmarklet Extension in your browser. This will make adding resources to your reading list quick and easy.

The following instructions outline how to add the Bookmarklet Extension to Google Chrome which is the recommended browser. If you prefer to use a different browser, please refer to the Talis guide to bookmarking from your web browser.  

1. Launch Google Chrome and add this url to the address field

2. Select "Add to Chrome" on the right hand side.

3. This will add a 'Talis' icon in the top right hand corner of your Chrome Browser. You will be given the option to sync this extension so that it will appear on other computers you use, this is optional.

4. If you now click on the "Talis" icon in the top right hand corner, you will be prompted to select your institution, select, University for the Creative Arts and click save.

If your reading list does not already exist you will need to create a new list. This can be done through the myReadingList interface within myUCA or through the standalone site found at

1. To create a new list, select "My Lists".

2. Then select "Create new list" on the right hand side.

3. Add a list name, this should be the unit code, followed by the unit name. For example, FADV5004 Contextual and Theoretical Perspectives. However if the same reading list will relate to several unit codes it can be titled with an identifiable title. For example, Contextual and Theoretical Perspectives.

NOTE: If the list is for validation And the code is not yet known use the current draft name followed by [AWAITING VALIDATION]. For example Project 04 [AWAITING VALIDATION].

4. Add a description if useful, for lists awaiting validation add the course title the unit it is associated with and the year/level.

5. Then click on "select Hierarchy" and type the unit code the reading list relates to. The code should appear in the list as you type. Select the correct unit code from the list and click "Save". If the unit code cannot be found please contact the Liaison Librarian based at your site who will investigate and have the code added. 

6. Select the current academic year and select "UCA".
NOTE: For an awaiting validation list skip the Hierarchy and academic year fields.

7. Your blank reading list has been created and you can start to populate readings to the list.

1. Open the list you would like to copy, open the “Edit” menu, and select “Copy list”.

2. Give your copied list a new name (starting with the UCA unit code if you already know this), if the copied list is for validation include [AWAITING VALIDATION] after the title associated course in the description. Untick the “Copy hierarchy association” box if the list is for a different unit.  Select “Create List”.

3. Your copied reading list has been created and you can edit as needed (the original list you copied from will remain unchanged). 

Please note that any digitised readings that were requested in your original reading list will not be carried across to the new copied list. Contact the Digitisation Team in the Library who will be able to assist with ensuring links to digitised readings are active and working in your new reading list.  

Once you have created a list you can add sections and paragraphs to help format the list more clearly for your teaching.

Adding a Section

1. Click on "section" within your new list.

2. Add a title for the section and if its useful you can also add a description. Click "Save".

3. A section has now been created. This section can be edited at any time by clicking on the three dots on the right hand side and selecting "Edit".

Adding a Paragraph: 

1. Click on "paragraph" within your new list.

2. Add any text in the empty field. You can add bullet points or highlight certain areas of text in bold or italics. Click on Save;.

3. The paragraph has been added to the Section.  It is possible to move the paragraph by selecting the arrow symbol on the right hand side and drag the paragraph up or down.

The library catalogue can be used to add books we already have in the library collection and available to students.

1. Search the Library catalogue for the book you wish to add to your reading list and then select the correct publication.

2. Once the library record has loaded, click on the Bookmarklet Extension icon in the top right hand corner of your browser.

3. A bookmark window will appear, details such as title, author and publisher will automatically be completed. You can edit these fields. Select "Create & Add to List".

4. A pop up window will appear where you can select the reading list you would like the resource added to. You can choose if the resource is added to the top or bottom of the list and whether it is Essential or Recommended reading.

Select "OK" to add the resource to your list.

1. Search LibrarySearch for online journal articles. You can search by the article title or the journal title in the search box.

2. Once you have found the article you were looking for, select the record.

3. When the online article loads, Click on the Bookmarklet Extension icon in the top right hand corner of your browser.

4. A bookmark window will appear, details such as title, author and publisher will automatically be completed. You can edit these fields. Select "Create & Add to List".

1. Find the webpage you would like to add your reading list. Click on the Bookmarklet Extension icon in the top right hand corner of your browser.

2. A bookmark window will appear, details such as title, author and publisher will automatically be completed. You can edit these fields. Select "Create & Add to List.

3. A pop up window will appear where you can select the reading list you would like the resource added to. You can choose if the resource is added to the top or bottom of the list and whether it is Essential or Recommended reading.

Select "OK" to add the resource to your list.

1. Having added a publication to your reading list, select the three dots icon on the right hand side. Please note you can only request 1 chapter from a book or 2 articles from a journal issue or 10% (whichever is the greater).

2. A drop down menu will appear, select Request digitisation.

3. Select whether the resource is a book or journal, then add chapter number or page range. Then select Next.

4. Check the correct academic year is selected, chose a date the reading is needed by and check course details, then select Next.

5. Check your contact details are correct and select "Next.

6. Your request has been submitted to the Digitisation Service. They will process your request and email you once fulfilled.

You can publish your list at any stage but it is advisable to Publish your list once you have made all your additions and changes. Once you have selected Publish, the list will automatically be sent to the Library team who will check for availability of stock, if eBooks/eJournals versions are available and all links to resources are working.

All library resource purchasing is subject to Library budget availability and ordering/delivery lead times. Please consult your Liaison Librarian if you have questions.

Undergraduate Courses

Before adding a reading list to myUCA you must ensure you have published the list first. See the previous section on publishing reading lists.

This will ensure the whole reading list will be embedded within myUCA.

  1. For undergraduate courses where units are set up as individual areas on myUCA, there should appear in the left-hand menu named myReadingList.
  2. Select myReadingList and then following window will open where you will be prompted to confirm the correct list has been found and select save. 

If you would prefer to embed a section of the reading list, click on the drop-down menu and select the appropriate section, then click save. This will ensure only a particular section is embedded in myUCA.  This can be changed at any time.

Postgraduate Courses

Before adding a reading list to myUCA you must ensure you have published the list first.  See the previous section on publishing reading lists.

For Postgraduate courses when units are set up within a particular course area you will need to select the Unit folder and there should appear the myReadingList link (see images below).

If you do not see this link refer to the guidance on manually linking in myUCA or contact your Liaison Librarian.

Select the myReadingList link. On selecting the link the system will try to automatically find the reading list you have created. Clear the text by selecting the cross and then perform a search for your reading list either by the title or unit code. Once found, select Save.

The link in myUCA is now linked to your reading list and accessible to students.