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Code of Conduct: Home

Code of Conduct

Student Services wants to ensure that all users of the University Library receive a fair and equitable experience by providing a pleasant and conducive study environment. This Code of Conduct outlines the expected behaviour of the users of our University Library services and spaces.

Behave in a courteous and considerate manner towards other users and Student Services staff and within the rules of the University’s regulations and policies. Follow any instructions given to you by Student Services staff.

IdentificationVisibly display your Student ID at all times, using the correctly coloured lanyard and show University or Security staff when requested. All external visitors will need to sign in at Reception and will be allocated a visitors pass and lanyard.

Please notify the University if you leave or change your name or address via myUCA or Campus Registry.  For external members, please notify the Gateway of any changes.

NoiseKeep talking to a minimum and at a low level, particularly in the study areas. Please refrain from talking in Silent/Quiet Study areas. Listening to music via headphones on a computer or on a personal music player is permissible in the Library at a low volume and must not be audible to others.

No audio is to be played from computers or via speakers of any kind. Anyone causing a disturbance may be asked to leave.

Mobile phones
Mobile phones must be switched to silent when entering the University Library. Mobile phones may be used in the library, except in the Silent/Quiet Study areas and at the Gateway desks. Inconsiderate mobile phone use will result in the user being asked to take/finish the phone call outside of the University Library.

Eating and drinking
Cold food and snacks can be consumed within the Library in designated areas.  Hot and cold drinks (excluding alcoholic drinks) in closed top bottles or containers with lids are also permitted in the Library (except if working with archives or special collections). All users must help to keep the study environment clean and tidy by disposing of their waste in the bins provided.

Library transactions
You must use your Student ID or Library membership card when borrowing library materials. You are not permitted to lend your card to other people or to borrow books on their behalf. You are responsible for borrowed materials and will be charged for losses and damage, however caused. Please treat all library materials with due respect and care. You must not damage, write, highlight, or underline any part of a book or other library materials. Return all borrowed items when requested to enable fair usage by all users. Renew loans or return them within the specified time or when requested as your account will be blocked when items become overdue.

Computing facilities
You are bound by the University's IT policies when using any of the computing or networked facilities. Please read and refer to the University's IT policies in full. Users are personally responsible and accountable for all activities carried out under their allocated username.

You may only use paper, acetates or other materials identified as suitable for the  Print & Copy Stations (MFDs). Please seek advice from the ICT Advisers on what can be used. Failure to do so may damage the machines and will result in liability for any damage caused. You should not tamper with or move University equipment or software.

Theft and vandalism
When leaving the Library, ensure that all borrowed materials you are carrying have been properly issued to you. On activation of the Library's security barrier alarm, please return to the Gateway Desk where you will be asked to identify the item that activated the alarm. If you are found in possession of any materials that have not been properly issued to you, this will be treated as a serious breach of the Code of Conduct (See Breaches of the Code of Conduct below). Please refrain from misusing or damaging any furniture or equipment within the University Library. If you discover that property belonging to the University has been vandalised, report it to a member of staff immediately.

Legal requirements
When copying or scanning you must follow the notices and comply with UK copyright legislation. Student Services can only provide guidance on UK copyright law. If you are a student based overseas you must comply with the copyright legislation of the country you reside in. Please read information provided on the website or via the notices that are provided or ask a member of staff for assistance.

Students with any outstanding debts may have their access to all University facilities and benefits (including teaching, assessment, libraries, social facilities, and IT) suspended. Graduating students must return all outstanding items and clear all outstanding debts by advertised deadlines.

Breaches of the Code of Conduct
Failure to comply with these rules may lead to disciplinary action or the suspension of library membership for external users. The University Library’s Code of Conduct should be read in conjunction with the Student Regulations and the University Rules for Student Conduct. If you breach the University Library’s Code of Conduct, your behaviour or actions will be reported to a senior member of staff. You may be asked to leave the University Library premises. Your rights to borrow from the Library or to use the IT facilities may be withdrawn. As part of your enrolment you will have been asked to read and agree to the Library's code of conduct. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the code and to observe it.

The Library will review this Code every year and any significant changes will be considered and approved by the Director of Student Services.


January 2024
Review: January 2025