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Library Induction: Home

Library Induction

Welcome to the Library
The library holds a wide range of specialist books, journals, databases and archives to inspire your creative and academic practice.  There are librarians to help you find, access and use resources effectively in your learning, teaching and research, or just to help you look for inspiration. This guide will help you understand -

  • the library collections
  • how to find and access resources
  • how to use resources effectively
  • where to get help when needed

The library is here to help - Contact the Library.

The library collections consist of a wide range of specialist arts books, journals, databases, dissertations, research and archives to inspire your creative practice and promote successful study -

The archives and special collections are rare or unique, such as original letters and artwork, with particular strengths in arts activism, animation and photography.  For inspiration and research, we are open to all by appointment, whether you fancy taking a look at Roobarb in the animation archive of Bob Godfrey, our art school archives, or our activist collections, including work by photographer Tessa Boffin.

For more information see - Archives & Special Collections and for details of the University's archive collections see - ArchiveSearch

These are art works using text and image which take the form of books or other objects. These collections include ‘zines and student work.

Artists Books can be found on LibrarySearch - Artists Books.

The library offers over 200,000 books (as both print and e-books).  All of these and more can be found on LibrarySearch.

Loans for print books are either three week or seven days.  They may either be borrowed from your own, or, if the book is a three week loan, another campus via Click & Collect.  You can also request a digital scan of one chapter or article for private study and research via Scan & Deliver, see Requesting Resources.

The library subscribes to over 50 databases - collections of articles, images, ebooks and other material - to help you in your studies.

To see a full list of the databases to see the Database A-Z.

The library holds a selection of dissertations written by previous students over the last three years -

See Dissertations

The Library subscribes to a number of image databases including - VADSBritannica ImageQuest and Bridgeman Education.  For guidance on using images in your work please see Copyright.

Journals provide current research in your area of study. Journals can be electronic, print or both.

Journals A - Z gives you a list of all current library journal subscriptions.

Magazines are available in either electronic or print format depending on availability, and in most cases access to an archive of back issues is also available. You can check if we have a particular magazine by using Journals A-Z and searching for the magazine title.

You can also browse through many of our electronic magazines on your tablet or phone using the Flipster app for Apple or Android devices – just search for UCA in the app and log in with your UCA account username and password.

PressReader provides you with access to over 7,000 magazines and newspapers from across the world.

The Materials Library was introduced as a teaching resource in 2016 and contains a collection of material samples reflecting innovative material design and processes. It was developed as a resource to enhance students' engagement with the material form.

The collection is based in Epsom - to access please contact Archives, see Contact the Library.

More information about the materials library can be found online - Archives & Special Collections.  Images of some of the collection can be viewed online at ResourceBank (UCA login required).

The library subscribes to a number of streaming services, including BoB (which includes over 75 free-to-air channels, and more than 2.2 million recorded tv and radio broadcasts).

The library also holds a collection of over 10,000 DVDs and blu rays which are available to borrow.  For details see - LibrarySearch - DVDs.

The library provides searchable online access to the text of hundreds of UK/international newspapers and other worldwide news sources. You can access newspaper articles by searching for a topic in either the Nexis or Gale OneFile News. PressReader provides you with access to over 7,000 magazines and newspapers from across the world.

PhD theses presented by UCA students can be viewed online at UCA Research Online - PhD Theses.

The library provides open online access to its staff research, including both text-based and creative arts research, as well as PhD theses. Research can be found on UCA Research Online.

Zines are typically self-published magazines, often reproduced using photocopiers, and using either original or appropriated artwork. The library holds a large collection of zines, especially at Canterbury and Epsom, and the collection also includes a variety of student work.

You can view a selection of front covers online at - Zines - front covers and find details of all Zines at - LibrarySearch - Zines.

You can search across the enormous range of books and journals held in our libraries, as well as the text within electronic books and journals using LibrarySearch.

Reading Lists are another quick and easy way to find all your course readings, these can be found in your course or unit area in myUCA.

Print books, journals and archives are available during opening hours.

Books can be requested from other campus libraries via Click & Collect and Document Supply enables you to borrow most items from other libraries in the UK if they are not available on campus. For more information see - Requesting Resources.

The University is a member of the SCONUL Access Scheme which enables you to use other university libraries in the United Kingdom, for more information see - Using Other Libraries.

Electronic books, journals and databases are available online anytime you are connected to the Internet - simply use your University username and password to login if needed.

Once you've found the resources you need, check you know how to use them correctly - making sure you know about copyright, intellectual property rights, plagiarism and how to reference your sources correctly.

The Gateway at each campus library will be able to help you with all your library, student services and information technology enquiries.

Subject Resources offer you quick and easy access to resources in your chosen area of study, and are available via your course area in myUCA or myLibrary.

Tutorials offer an opportunity for you to receive one-to-one support from the team of Liaison Librarians and Learning Development Tutors. Tutorials are more personal and tailored to your specific information, research, learning and literacy needs.