SCONUL Access is available to -
- Undergraduates
- Postgraduates
- Staff
To be approved you must have a good borrowing history and have no late items due on your library account.
The University is a member of the national SCONUL Access Scheme, which enables most students and staff to visit other UK university libraries to use their facilities and resources free of charge.
SCONUL Access is available to -
To be approved you must have a good borrowing history and have no late items due on your library account.
SCONUL Access usually offers -
Most universities participate in the scheme, sometimes they restrict access, and no services are guaranteed so you should always check with the library you wish to use before visiting.
To apply for access -
Your application will be checked by the library and if approved you will be sent a confirmation email. You must show the confirmation email, as well as your student ID card when you visit other libraries.
Your confirmation email is valid at all participating libraries not just the one you applied for.
When you arrive you may be given a visitor library card. Procedures at each university are different so check before you visit.