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Performing Arts: Home

Performing Arts

New Books

The Library welcomes recommendations from staff and students, provided they are current editions and support the learning, teaching and research interests of the University. Make your request through the Collection Recommendation Service.

New Journals
Library News for Performing Arts

LGBTQ+ reading list – have you seen the LGBTQ+ reading list, which highlights recommended resources available in the library?  Click on the “table of contents” to view books that are related to acting and performance.

The library offers over 200,000 print and electronic books.  Print books are arranged by shelf number, which are found using LibrarySearch and on the book binding, the most relevant numbers are -

Subject Shelf Number
Acting 792.028
Directing 792.0233
Film acting 791.43028
Film genres 791.436
History of theatre 792.09
Plays and scripts 822
Stage productions 792.9
Television programmes 791.456

Journals provide up to date research in your area of study, they may be available in print or electronic format and can be found using LibrarySearch. A list of all current journals can be found using the Journals A-Z, the most relevant are -

Databases bring together specialist collections of articles, images and electronic books. A list of all current databases can be found using the Databases A-Z, the most relevant are -

Moving Image Resources
Image Resources

Archives offer access to rare and unique insight into the work of artists and creators, and often include original letters and artwork. Details of all the collections can be found in the ArchiveSearch, the most relevant for performing arts are -

Tandem FilmsTandem Film Daniel Greaves Studios
​Animations produced by Tandem Films including ‘Flatworld’ (1997) and ‘Manipulation’ (1991) - this collection consists storyboards, scripts, and artworks.
A selection of animations are available on ResourceBank

Tessa BoffinTessa Boffin Archive
​Photographer and performance artist, this collection reflects her artistic practice developed around LGBTQ, gay and lesbian culture and producing work in response to HIV/AIDS
A selection of digitised archives are available on ResourceBank

Are a unique form of self-expression “do it yourself“ magazines.  They cover any subject, common themes include feminism, music, politics, activism, literature, personal, crafts, art and design, and travel. Available at Canterbury, Epsom, and Farnham.
Digitised front covers can be viewed in ResourceBank