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Public Task Statement: Home

Public Task Statement

The Library is required to comply with the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015.  This regulates how information the Library holds or creates is made available for re-use.

Statement of Public Task
This statement sets out the functions of the Library that are within its public task under the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015.  This statement was created in May 2016 and is subject to periodic review to ensure that it reflects good practice and remains consistent with the Regulations.

The University has over 6,500 students, studying over 120 creative courses, and comprises of a unique community of artists, designers, makers, writers and researchers.

The task of the Library is to ensure its collections, resources and services exceed the expectations of its academic community, including students, academic staff, researchers and alumni, as well as employers, partners and external users.  Specifically the Library:

  • provides support to students and staff with learning, IT, literacy and information skills to ensure staff and students have the appropriate skills to make the most of their studies
  • supports the University’s research culture and facilities scholarly communication to maximise the value and impact of the work of researchers
  • oversees the development and management of the University’s collections to ensure they are effective and meet the needs of staff and students
  • is responsible for the Library management system to ensure efficient stock circulation
  • collects and provides data for the SCONUL annual return
  • provides a discovery layer to help staff and students discover resources
  • maintains and develops various communication channels to ensure staff and students are informed of its resources and services
  • looks after its physical and digital spaces to ensure they provide an appropriate and effective place to work and learn

More about our library collections, resources and services can be found at: Finding and Access Collections and the archives at: Archives and Special Collections.

The Library undertakes digitisation and facilitates re-use wherever copyright law, third party intellectual rights, data protection, licensing and the availability of funding will permit this. The Library does not have a dedicated budget for digitisation, so will levy a fee to cover any digitisation, document supply and licensing of content to cover its costs in relation to the request.

PSI Requests
If you have any query about this public task statement or wish to inquire about re-use of information under the Re-use of Public Sector Information (PSI) Regulations please email us at

In accordance with the Regulations any requests for re-use will be addressed within 20 working days or an explanation provided if a longer delay is anticipated.  The University reserves the right to refuse requests for re-use of information under the Regulations where valid exceptions apply.  The reason for refusal will be explained, along with details of how to appeal the decision.  Complaints and appeals should be addressed to the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Student Experience).

The Library will review this Policy every year and any significant changes will be considered and approved by the Director of Student Services.


January 2024
Review: January 2025