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Time Audit: Home

Time Audit 2023

Making Time to Study!
Creative people have ideas all the time, and that’s part of the problem. They find inspiration anywhere and everywhere; and so often end up with more ideas than time!

How often have you got to the end of the day and realise that you haven't done the one thing you really needed to do?

All of a sudden, you’re aware of the time, or lack of it, you feel stressed, and you’re left facing the choice of whether to submit a rushed assignment, miss your deadline or maybe work late into the night and miss the sleep that your body really needs to function properly.

Below you will find a simple task to help you master the art of time management and organisation.

Time Audit 2023
Start by keeping a log of your activities for one week. Use the 24/7 template below to help you do this:

Record the start and end time of each activity, you can add a brief description if it helps. Be honest and accurate in your tracking. You must assign EVERY box to an activity – this includes sleeping, eating, working.

Categorise Activities
After completing the time log, categorise each activity into broader categories such as studying, attending classes, leisure activities, socialising, exercising, personal care. Create a list of categories that reflect your typical daily routine.

Time Allocation Analysis
Explore your time log. Reflect on the following questions:

  • Which categories occupy the most significant portion of your time?
  • Are there any surprising patterns or imbalances in your time allocation?
  • Are you spending enough time on activities that contribute to your academic success and wellbeing?

Based on your analysis, identify the top three areas where you believe you are spending too much time or not enough time. Consider the impact of these activities on your life, your academic performance and overall well-being.

Create a Plan
Create a plan to optimise your time allocation and address the areas that need improvement. Consider the following steps: - Set specific goals: identify what you want to achieve in terms of time management and prioritise your objectives. - Time-blocking: allocate specific time slots for different activities, including studying, attending classes, personal time and socialising. - Minimise time-wasting activities: identify any activities that do not contribute to your goals and reduce their time allocation or eliminate them altogether. - Look for a balance: ensure that you allocate sufficient time for self-care, relaxation, and social activities, alongside academic commitments. - Flexibility: be realistic and allow room for unexpected events or changes in your schedule. Scheduling every hour of every day with no room for change will be as problematic as not scheduling at all.

Implementation and Reflection
Put your plan into practice for at least two weeks. Track and evaluate your progress at regular intervals, making necessary adjustments along the way. Reflect on the following questions:

  • Did you successfully implement your plan? If not, why not?
  • What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?
  • How did the revised time allocation impact your academic performance, productivity, and well-being?